The Password

Industry and company news from the Passpack team

Unlock the Power of SSO Passwords with Passpack

Single sign-on (SSO), is an authorization technology that allows end-users to access various digital resources in an organization using one set of login credentials.

SSO passwords are typically implemented in businesses with large populations of employees and partners accessing multiple networked systems, applications, and websites.

Build an Employee Password Management Policy with Passpack

Ex-Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates predicted the death of the traditional password because it cannot “meet the challenge” of keeping critical information secure. Passwords would be replaced by alternative authentication methods such as wearables and biometrics1. Gates made that statement in 2004, and it remains one the few things he got wrong.

SMB Cyber Security Practices: How Passpack Can Help

Despite their size, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly on the radar of cybercriminals. In fact, SMBs have become a prime target for cyberattacks. The reasons for this are manifold, and understanding these is an essential part of SMB cyber security strategy.

Passpack V7 Being Depreciated

Why is Passpack Version 7 being depreciated and phased out in June 2023? Passpack V7 was initially released in 2007; developed with software technology available at that time. Consequently, it is a challenging platform to keep updated and maintain.

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