Use Cases

Examples of Passpack adoption that have provided much-needed security and productivity for organizations.

Financial Services


As an accountancy firm dealing with many individuals and confidential business financial information, we must take every precaution to keep our client’s information as secure as possible while maintaining our internal productivity. Passpack has proven to be an invaluable tool, enabling our employees to access client information from any location to ensure uninterrupted workflows. For large clients, we create a secure login and share it securely with the team working on behalf of the client. It is very easy for us to control and change which employees have access to sensitive client information.


We are a small family-run insurance broker that represents thirty-plus different insurance vendors servicing the auto, home, and personal liability markets. Historically we stored passwords in spreadsheets that were very insecure, cumbersome to manage, and constantly updated. For security reasons, many of our vendors require us to change passwords monthly. Passpack enables us to keep our passwords organized and shared with our teams by vendor, and very importantly, keeps a history of all password changes.

Financial Services

Engineering & Design

Engineering Design

IT Services

As a technology sales company with international offices and over fifty vendors represented around the globe, we have the requirement for our sales teams to login to vendor CRM systems and keep their information updated in real-time. Passpack makes it easy to organize large lists of passwords and discreetly control which sales teams and employees have access to each vendor’s CRM portal.

Software Development

We manage multiple projects for various clients as an independent software development company. We are constantly adding and removing contractors from client projects. During the project lifecycle we must maintain stringent security access as to which contractors have access to customer data, and remove them promptly at the conclusion of a project. Passpack makes it easy to add and remove software contractors from various client accounts, and it also allows us to monitor and track when contractors login to a project – key to productivity management in our organization.

Educational Services


We develop educational materials that require constant updating and flexible secure access by colleges. We found it advantageous to have the material stored in a central repository and share unique passwords with various educational establishments. Scalability is a large issue for us as we need to be able to quickly add additional users and teams while keeping login credentials secure. Passpack is extremely flexible, enabling us to easily add users and scale with our educational institutional requirements.

Educational Services

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